Friday, January 1, 2010


Since Alex and i got together we haven't spent many nights apart. Since he picked me up, at the airport last year after the trip to fergus falls, we have tried to be together as much as possible. A lot of people doesn't like that. A lot of people have told me it's wrong i should spend time with myself more- be home alone more. Why should I? Isn't it a sign of... oh i don't know... love(?) if we want to spend every second of every day with each other? shouldn't we get good respons from people instead of bad? well i think so! i think it's a great thing that we that we want to spend every second of every day with each other.
Anywho, this was not exactly what i wanted to write about! :) When i went to Gotland it was tough on both me and alex- since we spend almost everyday with each other. We are not used to being away from one another and it was tough to say goodbye... even though we knew we were only going to be apart for about a week, it was tough. I tried to convince him to come with me to the island.. he was going to be home for christmas, which i totally understand btw! but i still wanted him to sleep next to me every night :)
So finally(!) he decided to come to the island after christmas- the 29th. which was fine by me! as long as he came to the island i was happy :) So christmas day i went clubbing with sofie and her friends- had a great time!!! came home the 27th and was extremely tired from the night before, so i slept most of the day. later at night i felt a little better so when we all sit in the livingroom dad gets an alarm from work and so he has to go down there to shut the alarm off. When he comes back.. who do you think is with him? Alex!
So yeah... there was no alarm, there was no plan on coming the 29th, there was only me who looked like a fool for believing all of this!

So noo... we cannot be apart for a very long time. And we sort of like it that way :)


Alex va! said...

du har så rätt älskling :) PUSS

Mamsen said...

Strunta i vad alla andra tycker. Det är ju ni 2 som har ett liv tillsammans och ni har valt det. Det är bara för alla andra att acceptera det. Jag gillar er i alla fall och ni är så gullig mot varandra;) Alla bråkar i ett förhållande men det innebär inte att man ska ge upp då. Kämpa på och lyssna bara på ditt hjärta och det som gör dig lycklig.
Puss puss