Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lite omväxling i vardagen

A change was needed. I did something drastic yet simple. Something which might make these last four months easier, different than before. Instead of coloring the roots blond every third month or so i colored it dark. I just figured that starting over with something fresh is better than just covering up what comes back every other month. It doesnt really matter how much i want my roots to be light blond, they wont be. I am glad i did it. It is different, new.

I havent been feeling so well these last couple of days and i sure hope it will get better soon. I am tired of having to do stuff. I would like to do stuff because i like to. Right now i
have to do so much and i am not liking it.

Something i don't have to do but like to do, is spending time with Alexander. I have never been so happy with spending so much time with one person. That must mean something, right? :)


Anonymous said...

Du blev jättefin i håret!
Va bra att du tycker om att vara med mig, för jag tycker verkligen om att vara med dig, verkligen!

du är BÄST! <3333

Anonymous said...

ibland är de jobbigt gumman. jag vet, tro mig. prata med mig.

Anonymous said...

Älskade gumman!
Ska bli skönt att träffa dig igen och vi får hoppas att du känner dig bättre snart.
Tur att du har en sån bra pojkvän.
Puss puss